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  • teflpolsoc

24th October 2020 - New Article on CA and Financial Times!

Just published!

Dear Friends, I have been rather busy in the recent months - sorry for the long wait for an update!

From a year long investigation within my upcoming book on Cambridge Analytica 'Propaganda Machine' I've made an excerpt now available in Byline Times which reveals the Financial Times concerning relationship with Cambridge Analytica during the scandal. One of Britain’s most respected media companies, the Financial Times, published an article on 7 October asserting in its headline that ‘Cambridge Analytica probe finds no evidence it misused data to influence Brexit’. They neglected to mention the FT's concerning ties with Cambridge Analytica. My response to this is based on important new documents, interviews and emails - it reveals the FT's cover-up of their own links to the company. Can they even tell readers what happened to data from the FT's US subscriber list?

Here are Links:


Many thanks and stay safe!

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